Architetto, Consulente CasaClima, Lab. di Costruzioni - Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara, Centro Ricerche Architettura>Energia – sezione “Architettura”
Risanamento in CasaClima “R”
Il sistema CasaClima si apre al risanamento dell’esistente con un protocollo più “tollerante”, adatto anche ad edifici vincolati, basato sul rispetto di trasmittanze termiche limite e sulla risoluzione dei ponti termici, se necessario anche in forma attiva. Restano in essere tutte i controlli usuali: verifica del progetto, audit di cantiere, blower door test finale.
Redevelopment with CasaClima "R
CasaClima opens to the refurbishment of the existing buildings with a more “tolerant” protocol, also suitable for listed buildings, based on the respect of transmittance limits and resolution of thermal-bridges, if necessary by means of active technologies. All the usual checks remain in effects: analysis of the project, site audits, final blower door test.

Il risanamento dell’esistente può imporre la risoluzione del problema della formazione di muffe. Non si tratta solo di un’istanza estetica, ma di un must per la tutela della salute. Fra le varie soluzioni a base chimica in commercio, non meno nocive clinicamente, un’autorevole azienda altoatesina propone una soluzione ecocompatibile, basata sull’igroscopicità dei materiali.
Renewal of existing buildings may require the resolution of the damp problem in walls. It is not just an aesthetic instance, but also an important aspect for health protection. Among the various chemical-based strategies on the market, no less harmful clinically, an authoritative South Tyrolean company offers an environmentally friendly solution, based on hygroscopic materials.

Base del progetto è la perdita di identità del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, sorto 250 anni fa come cuore pulsante del quartiere della Cultura. Fenomeno questo che aggrava gli effetti delle problematiche economiche comuni ai teatri nel nostro paese. Il progetto mira a restituire il Comunale al suo storico ruolo sociale, mediante un intervento articolato in tre punti.
1) I due "Percorsi" (commercio e ristorazione, in linea con la filiera dello spettacolo musicale), occasione di avvicinamento al Teatro per quanti non siano fruitori abituali di spettacoli d’Opera.
2) Il potenziamento e rinnovamento degli apparati scenici (tra i quali spicca la nuova macchina scenica) finalizzato a migliorare il servizio e diversificare la produzione e il pubblico.
3) L'autosufficienza energetica (mediante presidi attivi, ma in primis agendo sull’involucro): un capital gain ma, nondimeno, un’ "icona etica".
The basis of the project is the loss of identity of the Teatro Comunale in Bologna, born two centuries ago as the beating heart of the district of Culture. This aggravates the effects of the economic default of Opera Houses in our country. The project aims to give the Teatro Comunale back its historic role in society through a strategy of building work on three points.
1) The two “Paths”. The” Outer Path” is a place of meeting, representation, trade (stands, a cavea, a giant screen) thought to regenerate the degraded Giardino del Guasto, and to connect pedestrian flows, along Via Belle Arti and Largo Respighi, to the Theatre.
The “Inner Path” flows between records and instruments stores and bookshop specialized in music and art, then it crosses the eighteen-century wooden attic leading to rehearsal and incision rooms for rent and to a learning space for schools, and finally gets to the top of the scenic tower. Here there are a restaurant and a wine-cellar which offers the better overview of the historic heart of the town.
They have been thought as a chance to approach the Theatre for those who aren’t usual consumers of Opera performances.
2) The project shows the strengthening and renovation of the scenic shares, consisting in an advanced scenic-machine, an efficient loading / unloading, in the highly develop of rehearsal spaces, in order to improve and diversify production and audience.
3) The energy self-sufficiency (zero energy) is the third aim of the project. It is not just a way of cutting operating-costs but also an “ethic symbol” because it “updates” an institution created in 1763 as an engine of social and cultural promotion, in the heart of the “City of Culture”. In order to clear energy consumption and emissions we need a highly insulated building-enclose and a capillary system of mechanical ventilation which can minimize dissipation for transmission and ventilation. For the purpose of heating the building gets enough energy through renewable systems: PV on the “solarium”, geothermal and a hydroelectric rotor implanted in a neighboring canal (Bologna is very rich of underground canals and has traditionally used these as a source of energy since the Medieval period!).
The architectural choice also required large areas of glass (for the space of the Inner Path, and for the offices of the new administration) that are not obscured by external shading. In order to protect the interior spaces from overheating in summer, the project has studied a “micro double skin of glass” (to ventilate the glass skin and to multiply the solar factor of glass surfaces).
The project will cost around 75 million € (more than half for the scenic-machine). But the most important economic results are:
1. the revenue generated from the shopping and dining areas;
2. the economic gain which emerges from the compared analysis of energy expense of the existing building and the restored one.