Uno strumento decisionale per grandi patrimoni immobiliari
La ricerca ha l’obiettivo di sviluppare il modello per la progettazione di un software capace di gestire operazioni di efficientamento energetico su ampi patrimoni immobiliari, comprendendo analisi di fattibilità e processi di ottimizzazione, per supportare ed indirizzare l’iter decisionale. In particolare, nel caso di beni storici, l'efficientamento energetico è un'operazione estremamente complessa, costosa e difficile da governare, soprattutto se estesa a grandi portafogli: diventa allora cruciale valutare numerosi scenari alternativi di intervento per identificare le azioni che possano portare all’allocazione ottimale delle risorse, bilanciando al meglio risparmi e costi.
A programmatic decision-making tool for large property assets
This research aims to develop a model for the design of software capable of managing energy efficiency operations in large property assets, including feasibility analysis and optimization processes, to support and direct the decision-making process. Whether applied to historic or traditional assets, energy efficiency is a complex and expensive operation, especially if broaden to large building stocks: it becomes crucial to evaluate alternative scenarios and identify the actions that can lead to the optimal resources allocation, considering the best balance between energy savings and total costs. The assessment at the early stage of economic convenience is strategic, including methods capable of controlling both the energetic behavior of the buildings and the monetary amounts involved. This study, hence, intends to elaborate a replicable model for the preventive economic evaluation in retrofit operations, especially for large property portfolios, where it is harder to define which combination of interventions leads to the optimal result. In particular, this model is processed starting from the project, "Unife sostenibile: screening energetico del patrimonio edilizio dell’ateneo di Ferrara e proposte preliminari per la fase di programmazione degli interventi di retrofit", developed by the Research Center “Achitettura> Energia (Unife).” The project chosen has analyzed a group of buildings in Ferrara, finding their thermo-hygrometric behavior, their annual consumption and other information about their installation systems, giving us a significant database necessary to implement the economic evaluation model to a detailed case-study. Thus, the goal of the research is to produce a calculation tool which can be easily used, and which can quickly identify the best retrofit scenario. Moreover, the model should be exportable and applicable in other contexts as well by varying the input data only.

Uno strumento decisionale per grandi patrimoni immobiliari
La ricerca ha l’obiettivo di sviluppare un modello per la progettazione di un software capace di gestire interventi di efficientamento energetico su ampi patrimoni immobiliari, comprendendo analisi di fattibilità e processi di ottimizzazione, per supportare ed indirizzare l’iter decisionale. In particolare, nel caso di beni storici, l'efficientamento energetico è un'operazione estremamente complessa, costosa e difficile da governare, soprattutto se estesa a grandi portafogli: diventa allora cruciale valutare numerosi scenari alternativi di intervento per identificare le azioni che possano portare all’allocazione ottimale delle risorse, bilanciando al meglio risparmi e costi.
A programmatic decision-making tool for large property assets
This research aims to develop a model for the design of a software capable of managing energy efficiency operations in large property assets, including feasibility analysis and optimization processes, to support and direct the decision-making process. Whether applied to historic or traditional assets, energy efficiency is a complex and expensive operation, especially if broaden to large building stocks: it becomes crucial to evaluate alternative scenarios and identify the actions that can lead to the optimal resources allocation, considering the best balance between energy savings and total costs. The assessment at the early stage of economic convenience is strategic, including methods capable of controlling both the energetic behavior of the buildings and the monetary amounts involved. This study, hence, intends to elaborate a replicable model for the preventive economic evaluation in retrofit operations, especially for large property portfolios, where it is harder to define which combination of interventions leads to the optimal result. In particular, this model is processed starting from the project, " Unife sostenibile: screening energetico del patrimonio edilizio dell’ateneo di Ferrara e proposte preliminari per la fase di programmazione degli interventi di retrofit", developed by the Research Center “Achitettura> Energia (Unife).” The project chosen has analyzed a group of buildings in Ferrara, finding their thermo-hygrometric behavior, their annual consumption and other information about their installation systems, giving us a significant database necessary to implement the economic evaluation model to a detailed case-study. Thus, the goal of the research is to produce a calculation tool which can be easily used, and which can quickly identify the best retrofit scenario. Moreover, the model should be exportable and applicable in other contexts as well by varying the input data only.

La proposta per il restauro della Casa del Mutilato di Cuneo tratta nello specifico l’efficientamento energetico dell’involucro. Si individuano, seguendo le “Linee di indirizzo per il miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica nel patrimonio culturale” MiBACT, alcuni interventi di efficientamento, che vengono composti tra loro in cinque possibili scenari alternativi. Per individuare quale scenario presenti il rapporto ottimale tra costi, risparmi e comfort termico si utilizza il procedimento di scelta dell’analisi multicriteriale, che permette di confrontare le alternative sia secondo criteri economici, relativi ai costi, sia non economici, volti al rispetto dei principi del restauro.
The suggested architectural restoration project for the “War Wounded House” in Cuneo discusses in particular the energy efficiency of the building with a double intent: the improvement of thermal comfort indoor and, meanwhile, the decreasing of winter heating costs. The energy improvement interventions must totally comply with the restoration’s principles of minimal intervention, of material compatibility and of authenticity.
Therefore, it is necessary to determine the most efficient operations in the context of the possibilities which are compatible with the historical and architectural structure of the building. It is then chosen to follow some of the interventions identified by the "Guidelines for improving energy efficiency in cultural heritage" worked out by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism. Five possible interventions are then selected for the casing energy efficiency.
These five operations are combined in as many possible alternative scenarios: scenario 1 is made up of only intervention 1. Scenario 2 consists of the application of 1 plus 2 interventions, and so to follow up to scenario 5, which consists of the sum of all the 5 proposed interventions.The aim is to determine which scenario presents the most convenient relationship between initial costs, energy savings and thermal comfort.
In order to identify the optimal scenario, the analytic hierarchy process is applied, since it allows comparing each other the possible alternatives, considering more criteria at the same time. In this case the chance to manage a plethora of criteria is crucial, as far as they can be considered both economic criteria, referred to initial costs and future running costs, and non-economic criteria, aimed at regarding restoration’s principles.