Architetto. Professore a Contratto e Ph.D. in Tecnologie Energetiche, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università di Ferrara. Membro del Centro Ricerche Architettura>Energia
L’articolo presenta i primi risultati della ricerca “Unife sostenibile. Screening energetico del patrimonio edilizio dell’ateneo di Ferrara e proposte preliminari per la fase di programmazione degli interventi di retrofit”. Il lavoro prende avvio da una duplice esigenza dell’Amministrazione universitaria: possedere appropriati strumenti per una corretta analisi energetica del proprio patrimonio edilizio indirizzata alla pianificazione di opportune strategie di efficientamento, cosi come richiesto dal D.Lgs. n. 102/2014, e produrre gli Attestati di Prestazione Energetica, obbligatori per gli edifici Pubblici.
Il lavoro ha come obiettivo la messa a punto di uno strumento di analisi e programmazione degli interventi di riqualificazione energetica, semplificato e speditivo, utile alla gestione di grandi patrimoni immobiliari.
Large public building’s stock
The paper presents the first part of the research “Energy screening of the building heritage of the University of Ferrara and preliminary proposals for the retrofit strategies planning phase”. The research moves from two needs of the university administration: having appropriate tools for an effective energy audit, to comply with the D.Lgs. n. 102/2014 that demands for the Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) of all public buildings in the near future; having a tool for planning an effective building refurbishment with the limited financial resources. The objective of the study is to set specific guidelines for the development of retrofit strategies on new, recent or ancient buildings based on a simplified procedure.

L’articolo presenta un approccio innovativo alla progettazione dell’illuminazione notturna da applicare in contesti architettonici storici, per fornire un’alternativa alla prassi frequente che tende a falsare la corretta lettura degli organismi edilizi. L’illuminazione, quale parte della progettazione dell’architettura stessa, ha il compito di restituire una “identità notturna” ai luoghi della città.
La strategia per raggiungere questo risultato si basa principalmente sulla riduzione dell’intensità luminosa in ambiente urbano e al contempo sulla valorizzazione degli elementi plastici, materici e cromatici delle sue costruzioni.
The paper presents an innovative approach to lighting design, to be applied to historic architectural contexts, as an alternative to the general illumination trend that tends to distort the correct reading of the building.
Lighting design, as a part of the whole architectural project, is responsible for the restoration of the urban “night identity”.
To achieve such result, the strategy goes toward the reduction of lighting intensity in the urban environment, and the valorisation of constructions’ sculptural, material and chromatic characteristics.
To define the lighting model, the study has followed two stages: the first, to investigate the light’s physical characteristics; the second, to study and test lighting devices and identify the suitable ones for the valorisation of historic buildings. To this regard, Palazzo Tassoni Estense in Ferrara was selected as case study. To be more specific, the on-field test sessions were operated on its East façade, conceived as a sum of three overlapping layers: the first layer interests the outer skin; the second concerns indoor environments (perceived from outside through the openings); the third is made by protruded and cave-in spaces of the façade (porches, terraces, windows intradoses, singular features as decorated frames or extruded elements, etc.).
For each layer, specific lighting strategies and typologies were elaborated.
The proposition for layer 1 criticizes the exterior lighting style made with concentrated spotlights, which arbitrarily highlight certain sector and features of the façade leaving others in total darkness. As a counter-proposal, a uniform base light is suggested: a faint “moonlight-looking” effect to integrally illuminate the building elevation without emphasizing particular spots.
However, the achieved effect tends to flatten the sculptural values of the façade; therefore it is combined with the lighting strategies introduced by layer 2 and 3.
The final result is reached, after several test on the case study, thanks to the use of the LED technology, which allows for a better management of the light, electronically changing its main features (colour temperature, intensity, colour).
Finally, a lighting device prototype has been designed to turn the illumination program into practice.

La Scuola di Musica di Finale Emilia è un esempio di buone pratiche, in materia edilizia e amministrativa, che hanno permesso la realizzazione di un edificio che coniuga aspetti energetico/ambientali e sociali, contribuendo alla rivitalizzazione di un centro tra i più colpiti dal sisma 2012.
The School of Music of Finale Emilia is an example of construction and management best practices that allowed the creation of a building with environmental and social awareness, with the aim of promoting the revitalization of the entire urban area, heavily hit by the 2012 earthquake.

Il recupero delle aree ex industriali è oggi un tema fondamentale in chiave di future sviluppo delle nostre città. L’articolo illustra la proposta di recupero di un ex magazzino nella Darsena di Ravenna, il cosiddetto Sigarone. Il concept progettuale persegue la conservazione della spazialità originale, mantenendo e consolidando lo scheletro esistente del fabbricato e riconvertendo l’area in esso contenuta a spazio pubblico.
Sostenibilità ambientale e fattibilità economica coesistono nella riconversione di un brownfield ad area verde e nella programmazione di un mirato mixed-use funzionale.
The sustainable refurbishment of former-industrial areas is growing as a leading theme for the future urban development.
Thanks to foreign experience (such as the complete reclaim of the area of the Ruhr, in Germany), Italy is decisively accepting that the environmental development of our cities will need to face refurbishment processes of the former-productive areas, which often occupy fragmented areas like a land metastasis cancer. They are enclosed by insurmountable fences and behave as city black holes, where people do not want to go and do not want to know what goes on.
However, who has dared entering one of these disused industrial site, he has fond forgotten spaces, built volumes which are not proper of the current city, but that meant so much for its past growth. The feeling you get by walking through one of those areas should be enough a reason to reclaim it for the citizens; unfortunately, real estate investments nowadays require more that that: social sustainability merged with economic feasibility.
The paper illustrates a refurbishment project of a former-warehouse, the so-called Sigarone, in the port area of Ravenna, Italy. Its past glory meant for the city a significant economic growth, but today the Darsena is suffering for the decline of the naval commercial activity, and is left to decay. The design proposal (Nuovostudio Architettura e Territorio) focuses on the recover of the main structure of the building, a succession of concrete arches, with the aim of transforming the closed environment in an open public space, by preserving the original spatiality.