Professore aggregato in Composizione Architettonica e Urbana, Dipartimento di Architettura Università di Ferrara, Presidente Ordine Architetti di Reggio Emilia, Coordinatore del Workshop Riuso, Reggio Emilia
L’articolo presenta i primi risultati della ricerca “Unife sostenibile. Screening energetico del patrimonio edilizio dell’ateneo di Ferrara e proposte preliminari per la fase di programmazione degli interventi di retrofit”. Il lavoro prende avvio da una duplice esigenza dell’Amministrazione universitaria: possedere appropriati strumenti per una corretta analisi energetica del proprio patrimonio edilizio indirizzata alla pianificazione di opportune strategie di efficientamento, cosi come richiesto dal D.Lgs. n. 102/2014, e produrre gli Attestati di Prestazione Energetica, obbligatori per gli edifici Pubblici.
Il lavoro ha come obiettivo la messa a punto di uno strumento di analisi e programmazione degli interventi di riqualificazione energetica, semplificato e speditivo, utile alla gestione di grandi patrimoni immobiliari.
Large public building’s stock
The paper presents the first part of the research “Energy screening of the building heritage of the University of Ferrara and preliminary proposals for the retrofit strategies planning phase”. The research moves from two needs of the university administration: having appropriate tools for an effective energy audit, to comply with the D.Lgs. n. 102/2014 that demands for the Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) of all public buildings in the near future; having a tool for planning an effective building refurbishment with the limited financial resources. The objective of the study is to set specific guidelines for the development of retrofit strategies on new, recent or ancient buildings based on a simplified procedure.

E’ in atto un grande rinnovamento sulla metodologia di pensare le nostre città. Devono nascere nuove trame all’interno della città capaci di riflettere i mutamenti dovuti alla precarietà economica e alla temporaneità dei cicli di vita, del lavoro e dello svago. Queste trame, appartengono al riuso temporaneo. Il riuso temporaneo è un nuovo ciclo di vita di un edificio, una terra di mezzo tra vecchi e nuovi usi, in attesa di risorse economiche che permettano di agire in modo definitivo. Per questo l’Assessorato alla Rigenerazione Urbana del Comune di Reggio Emilia (Assessore Alex Pratissoli) insieme all’Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Reggio Emilia, ha pensato a un workshop di progettazione che potesse coinvolgere gli altri ordini e collegi tecnici, per sperimentare metodologie di progetto per il riuso temporaneo del quartiere S. Croce a Reggio Emilia.
The current condition tells us that the past half-century city model is nowadays useless. It will take years, perhaps decades to recover it definitively, if the present economic scenario does not change its course. Decades of desertion, urban space deterioration and consequent social degradation.
Rather than let urban voids wait long for economic resources and appropriate uses, would it not be more logical to introduce a new life cycle between existing and forthcoming elements?
Therefore, it becomes necessary to review with humility and intelligence the way we design the city, radically changing the intervention methodology on urban modification.
Within the city, new actions should be defined in order to reflect changes due on one hand to economic uncertainty and on the other to cycle-of-life, work, and entertainment briefness. These actions are intended to be linked to temporary reuse.
The temporary reuse is a new life-cycle of a building, a middle-earth between old and new uses, awaiting economic resources that allow to act in a definitive way.
For this reason, the National Association of Architects, Urban Planners, Landscape Designer, and Conservators of Reggio Emilia - together with the Urban Regeneration Office of Reggio Emilia Municipality - has set a design workshop that could involve other associations and technical colleges to experience design methodologies for the temporary reuse of S. Croce district in Reggio Emilia. The outcome consists of simple and exact projects, realisable with self-construction techniques.
In this picture, one can find three out-of-fashion virtues that seem to be forgotten by architecture but, if rediscovered, may improve the design methodology – based on the principle that everything is temporary, nevertheless its consequences are permanent – and so the result. The three virtues are simplicity, accuracy, and technique.
Simplicity, which is different from simplification or regularisation , is a way to invite the architect, and therefore architecture, to favour necessity and essentiality instead of pure decoration. The easiest way to assign simplicity is by a sensible reduction. Reduce the unnecessary, using less to achieve more, is an ethical principle at every level of life.
Furthermore, accuracy is the idea of serving a specific cause, rather than the concept of measurement precision, although fundamental to the practise of architecture.
Accurate, in this way, means effective, chosen, and defined. The pursuit of accuracy means to combine the efficiency of technological research with the effectiveness of architectural composition choices.
In addition, the act of building signifies establishing a technical order: the technique has to regain its role to strengthen the concepts of contemporary, durability, adaptability, flexibility and disassembly at the end of service-life. It corresponds to the idea of a design by layers, which can be identified by the designer and recognizable by the user.
A design by layers has a simple and immediate character and it is perceived to last and to be reversible over time. It is flexible because it can adapt to various existing means, it is coherent as it creates a sense of belonging and recognisability, and it is clear as long as it is well known to all actors involved. Each layer has its own function, a durability and an economic impact.

L’articolo documenta la sintesi di un progetto di ricerca del Comune di Bolzano all’interno del progetto di cooperazione transnazionale Central Europe denominato EPOurban. Il Progetto "Enabling Private Owners of Residential Buildings to Integrate them into Urban Restructuring Processes" intende superare i cambiamenti presenti all’interno delle nostre città elaborando strumenti che attivino i privati proprietari all’interno di strategie pubbliche di riqualificazione energetica urbana. Nello specifico la città di Bolzano ha finalizzato le proprie attività alla consulenza multidisciplinare, tecnica, economica e finanziaria per condomini, in linea con le indicazioni del Master Plan e del Piano CO2 neutrale.
The article presents the experience of the city of Bolzano in the transnational cooperation project called EPOurban Central Europe. The Project "Enabling Private Owners of Residential Buildings to Integrate them into Urban Restructuring Processes" intends to overcome the ongoing changes by making available instruments for the activation of private owners in order to integrate them into housing and urban development strategies. Specifically, the city of Bolzano has finalized its activities to the multi-disciplinary consultancy, technical, economic and financial, aimed at retrofitting the energy efficiency of apartment buildings in line with the guidelines of the Master Plan and the Plan CO2 neutral.
The urban retrofit of the existing cities is evidence that society is able to innovate without destroying the roots on which it stands. It means respect and coherence that contrasts with the increasing unbalance of our environment.
We need to rethink the refurbished buildings as sinks of energy and primary sources, such as opportunities rather than problems to solve, such as tools that preserve material and energy without consuming them. Hence, it is not only a technical matter, but a new approach for the sustainability of the refurbishment. In its design, conservation and modernity are two contradictory terms. The positive connotation that in recent years the term conservation has, as a synonym for the preservation of monuments and historical memory before then, it is often in contrast with the concept of modernity, namely the scientific innovation that departs from what has already been done to change. Simplicity, accuracy and technique are three guidelines for the design of the energy refurbishment of buildings. Simplicity to facilitate design flexibility for future interventions and maximize cost-effectiveness, accuracy and the ability to highlight the scope of intervention, technology as a tool to explore new methods and solve the relationship between building and project that is the weakest link in the process.
The urban retrofit of the existing cities stock becomes an action able to measure the ability of a society to build its own culture with the heart turned to what it was and with the brain turned to what will be.

L’obiettivo primario di un’operazione di una rigenerazione del tessuto urbano è quello di coniugare l’efficienza delle soluzioni di riqualificazione energetica all’efficacia delle soluzioni di ricomposizione architettonica e di miglioramento della qualità di vita degli utenti.
The primary goal of a regeneration of the city is to combine the efficiency of the solutions of energy upgrading with the effectiveness of the solutions of architectural recomposition and of improvement of the quality of life of users.